R: Richiesta contatto
Good morning, I confirm to have disponiibilità for the dates you marked.
The cost for the parking area is € 25.00 for 24 hours
Please confirm your reservation.
Best regards
Vincenza Minniti
New Park Milano
Via Luigi Tukori 6
20161 Milano
Tel. +39 02 6453053
Fax +39 02 6453053
Mobile: +39 3777081657
Sito: www.newparkmilano.eu
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—–Messaggio originale—–
Da: New Park Milano [mailto:newparkmilano@newparkmilano.eu]
Inviato: martedì 28 marzo 2017 19:25
A: newparkmilano@newparkmilano.eu
Oggetto: Richiesta contatto
Queste sono le informazione di una richiesta
Nome: Katja Fleischbein
Email: katja.1996@t-online.de
Messaggio: Hello,
my friend and I want so spent 2 nights in Milano
from th 10th to the 12th of august.
We need a place for our Camper.
Do you have capacities left and how much does it
Thanks for answering & greetings from Germany
Katja Fleischbein